Friday, April 13, 2018

El hotel eléctrico

El hotel eléctrico is a short-film produced and directed by Fructuós Gelabert in 1908, in which a couple arrive to a hotel, check in and their luggage starts moving, opening, the content of it, clothes, etc., there is motion amongst the objects, interaction. The  movie is characterized by oddness and comedy. The name of the movie (The Electric Hotel) refers to the movement that the items have, the electricity moves them, they seem to be automatized, plus the background noise (electric).
The effects of production, use of frames and a crank that generates the motion, make of this film a very advanced technology one for the time in which it was shot.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The last movie: "El espíritu de la colmena"!

The Hispano Soc will screen on Wednesday 30th its last movie: "El espíritu de la colmena". "El espíritu de la colmena" is a Spanish drama film made during the last few years of Franco's dictatorship an set in 1940. The film focuses on the young girl Ana and her fascination with the 1931 American horror film "Frankenstein", as well as exploring her family life and schooling. The film has been called a "bewitching portrait of child's haunted inner life". We hope to see your opinions!

Leave your opinion on "Che: Part 2"!

On the 23rd of March, the Hispano Soc screened the movie "Che: Guerrilla". "Che: Guerrilla" starts with Che after the Cuban Revolution. More than a soldier, Che is a glamorous worldwide figure who suddenly leaves Cuba. He reappears in Bolivia organizing the Great Latin-American Revolution. His campaign is an adventure of sacrifice, idealism and war of guerrillas which will lead to his destiny.

Leave your opinion on "Che: Part 1"!

On Wednesday 16th of March, the Hispano Soc screened the movie "Che: El argentino". This first part of the movie Che, directed by Steven Sonderbergh is set during general Batista's corrupt dictatorship that was supported by an army of 40.000 men. In this movie, "Che", an Argentinian idealist led by Castro, traveled to Cuba, learned how to fight in guerrillas and became an essential figure. We would like to see your opinions!

Leave your opinion on "Gordos"!

On the 2nd of March the Hispano Soc showed the movie "Gordos". "Gordos" is a comedy about life's excesses and deficiencies; about our insecurities, phobias, obsessions, traumas, mistakes, fears, blame, desires, hopes, challenges, concessions, goals, relationships, love, sex, health, family...about survival in the widest and largest sense of the word. We look forward to seeing your opinions!

Leave your opinion on "Tapas"!

On Wednesday 23rd of February the Hispano Soc screened the movie "Tapas" that narrates five stories linked in a neighborhood of a big city: the fear of illness or loneliness that Mariano and Conchi, an old retired couple, suffer from; the hope and sadness of Raquel, middle-aged woman who lives her love via Internet; the uncertain future of César and Opo, two youngsters who work in a supermarket and their holidays; and Lolo discovering that there is something else in life apart from his pub thanks to the new chef, Mao. These five stories show us through a comedy the tenderness and bitterness of life. We hope to see your opinions!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Leave your opinion on "La ley de Herodes"!

On Wednesday 16th of February, the Hispano Soc screened "La ley de Herodes", a hilarious, outrageous political farse set in a tiny Mexican town in 1949.  Damián Alcázar stars as Juan Vargas, a junkyard operator who is recruited as a temporary mayor following the demise of the latest corrupt town leader.  At first, Vargas is the ideal politician: he’s honest, desperate and not terribly ambitious – or so it seems.  But eventually, Vargas gives in to overwhelming temptation, bribery, and even violence in this brilliant, tongue-in-cheek story about government treachery. We hope to see your opinions!