Sunday, October 24, 2010

Give your opinion on "Habana Blues"

On Wednesday, 27th of October, the Hispano Society screened in MRI Theater Room 201 the movie "Habana Blues" a Cuban, Spanish and French production that shows Cuba's situation focusing on a couple of musicians who dream to become stars. However, their possibilities of leaving their country are almost none. When they find a chance, they must choose between the deep relationships that they have in Cuba (family, friends) and an uncertain future.
We hope you leave your comments on it!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Leave your opinion on "El último tren"!

On Wednesday, 20th of October, the Hipano Society screened the movie "El último tren", a Uruguayan, Argentinian and Spanish production directed by Diego Arsuaga. In the film, a powerful Hollywood studio buys a Uruguayan locomotive from the 19th century for their next movie. Although the news fills a lot of Uruguayans with pride, some veteran members of Asociación Amigos del Riel (train association) decide to “rescue” the historical machine. To achieve their goal, three of the members, accompanied by a boy, steal the locomotive and begin a crazy journey through the abandoned tracks of the country. Our four heroes manage to challenge the authorities, draw the attention of people they meet on the way to their unusual campaign and earn their support.
We hope to see your comments on it!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Give your opinion on "El viaje de Carol"

Last Wednesday 13th of October, the Hispano Society screened at 6.30 in MRI THEATER the movie "El viaje de Carol". The film narrates the story of Carol, a teenager who travels to her mother's village for the first time, to the Spain of 1938, the difficulties that she goes through and how her life changes due to different people who surround her.
It is a story that combines tenderness with heartrending experiences.
We would like you to leave your opinion on it!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Comment on the movie "Pudor"

On Wednesday 6 of October 2010, the Hispano Society screened the film "Pudor", released in 2007. "Pudor" mirrors intimacy, desires, obsessions, secrets and fears that we never confess; not even to the ones whom we love the most. As in several families, all the characters of "Pudor", despite living together, feel lonely. Leave your opinion about the film.